
Chris Brav

Derived and non-commutative algebraic geometry

Christopher Brav will join the Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS) as Professor from August 2024. Currently he is a Lead Scientific Researcher at the Centre of Pure Mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Queen’s University in 2008, after which he was a post-doc at the University of Toronto, Leibniz University Hannover, and Oxford University. Before moving to the Faculty of Mathematics at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, he spent a year as a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Professor Brav is working on the relation between Calabi-Yau categories (non-commutative analogues of Calabi-Yau manifolds) and shifted symplectic geometry of moduli spaces, as well as on using condensed mathematics to study infinite dimensional shifted symplectic spaces appearing in representation theory and mathematical physics. His work has been published in leading journals including Compositio Mathematica, Geometry and Topology, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, and Selecta Mathematica.




胡森教授的研究领域主要集中在数学物理中量子场论与弦理论的数学构造研究,在引力场与规范场对应、时空的代数刻画、Chern-Simons矩阵模型及在超导超流机制的应用等方面开展工作。研究工作发表在Transactions of the American Mathematical Society、Communications in Mathematical Physics、Journal of High Energy Physics、Physical Review、Physics Letters、Modern Physics Letters等国际顶尖和权威学术期刊上。



连文豪,上海数学与交叉科学研究院(SIMIS)副院长。在加入研究院之前,他曾在马萨诸塞州波士顿布兰代斯大学任教授。1991年,他在耶鲁大学获得物理学博士学位。他曾在多伦多大学, 耶鲁大学和哈佛大学担任博士后研究员。他于1995 年加入布兰迪斯数学系并一直留任。连教授的研究处于数学和物理学的交叉领域,对卡拉比-丘流形空间的几何问题很感兴趣。他的研究兴趣还包括表示论和弦理论。

Andrey Losev


Andrey Losev现任上海数学与交叉学科研究院教授。在加入研究院之前,他曾任俄罗斯国家研究型高等经济大学数学系教授和镜像对称和自守形式国际实验室研究员。他于1989年从理论与实验物理学院获得理论物理博士学位。

Andrey Losev教授的研究兴趣包括弦论,M-理论,拓扑量子场论,量子场论,并已在国际一流学术期刊上发表60多篇论文。

Chung Pang Mok

Algebraic Number Theory, The Langlands’ Program, Random Matrix Theory

Chung Pang Mok would begin his position in SIMIS by the end of 2024. He graduated from Harvard University in 2007 under the supervision of Professor Barry Mazur. He works on algebraic number theory and the Langlands Program, with emphasis on the theory of p-adic L-functions, p-adic automorphic forms, Arthur trace formula, and endoscopy theory. In recent years he also used the techniques of finite fields to construct high dimensional pseudo-random vectors, with numerous applications to Monte Carlo methods. He has previously held academic positions in a number of institutions including the Chinese University of Hong Kong, McMaster University, and Purdue University.

Currently he is interested in asymptotic questions in representation theory and combinatorics, a research direction that was first initiated by Vershik and Kerov; these asymptotic questions are in turn closely related to random matrix theory, as seen in the works of Olshanski and Borodin.




Mauricio Andrés Romo Jorquera

String Theory, Physical Mathematics

Mauricio Romo is an Associate Professor at the Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS) . He obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2012, after which he was a post-doc at Kavli IPMU and IAS.

Professor Romo works on the interface of physics and mathematics. His research have been focused on the relation between 2-dimensional quantum field theories and categorical and geometric aspects of Calabi-Yau manifolds. These includes, but is not limited to, mirror symmetry, quantum geometry and BPS states.

Hamed Adami


My research focuses on the emergence of infinite-dimensional symmetries that arise at spacetime boundaries in gauge and gravity theories. Specifically, I am interested in their manifestation at the near-horizon region of black holes or the asymptotic boundary of flat and/or (A)dS spacetimes. My research aims to unveil a holographic description of gravity, the fluid/gravity correspondence, and gain insights into the quantum properties of black holes. I was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center of Tsinghua University, Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, and Institute For Research In Fundamental Sciences, School of Physics.


Hyperbolic geometry, 3-manifolds

Vyacheslav Lysov


Vyacheslav Lysov is an Assistant Professor at the Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS). Before joining SIMIS, he was an Arnold Fellow at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences (LIMS) in the UK. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics at Harvard in 2014. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, Caltech, and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).

Professor Lysov’s current research interests mainly focus on tropical mirror symmetry and other related interdisciplinary topics in theoretical physics and mathematical physics.






Tomoki Nosaka

Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics, String Theory

Tomoki Nosaka is an Assistant Professor at Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS). Prior to joining SIMIS, he served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. He obtained his Ph.D in physics at Kyoto University in 2016.

Professor Nosaka’s research interests are string theory, M-theory, supersymmetric gauge theories, holography and mathematical physics. He is also interested in quantum chaos and quantum information theory with the motivations to understand quantum gravity through the holography. Recently he is particularly working on the exact calculations in matrix models arising from supersymmetric gauge theories to reveal new mathematical structures behind these objects.

Anurag Rao

Diophantine Approximation, Geometry of Numbers, Lie Groups

Anurag Rao obtained a PhD in mathematics from Brandeis University in 2020. Following that he did postdoctoral work at Wesleyan University, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai University, Israel Institute of Technology and Peking University. His current work is in dynamical systems arising from Lie groups and applications to number theory.





Probability and Statistical Mechanics



辛苑在波士顿大学取得博士学位,导师是Liam Fitzpatrick。博士毕业后,他先后在耶鲁大学和卡内基梅隆大学担任博士后工作。辛苑的研究致力于发展和创新量子场论和量子多体的非微扰方法,并应用于理解各种物理现象例如临界、对称破缺/涌现、禁闭态等。他最近的研究包括使用自举、哈密顿截断、密度矩阵重整化群等方法研究低维量子系统。








李逸现任东南大学数学学院和东南大学丘成桐中心教授。他于2012 年从哈佛大学获得数学博士学位。




徐浩现任浙江大学数学科学研究中心百人计划研究员。他于2009年从浙江大学获得博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括凯勒几何、曲线模空间相交理论,并已在JDG、CMP、Crelle’s Journal等著名学术期刊上发表30多篇论文。

Miguel Tierz

Random matrix theory, Gauge theory, Strongly-correlated systems, Mathematical problems in the development of quantum technologies

The researcher’s academic background is in mathematical physics, holding both a BSc and a PhD in theoretical/mathematical physics. Since obtaining his PhD degree in 2008 at Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), has been postdoctoral researcher at Brandeis University (Massachusetts, USA), the Mathematical Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), the Mathematics Faculty of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), and the Mathematics department of Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). These research positions have been funded by prestigious competitive postdoctoral fellowships and senior researcher fellowships, including the Lady Davis fellowship in Israel, the Juan de la Cierva and Maria Zambrano fellowships (ranked first across all disciplines) in Spain and FCT Researcher in Portugal. He has supervised two PhD theses in Mathematics at Universidade de Lisboa, on random matrix theory and its physical applications in gauge theory. The thesis of Dr. Leonardo Santilli, now postdoctoral researcher at YMSC in Beijing, won the award for best Mathematical thesis of the year 2022.


Matrix Computations, Metric-Preserving Computational Geometry, Data Science, Image Processing


李教授的研究兴趣主要包括大规模矩阵计算、电磁计算、保度计算几何、数据科学、反问题、图像处理等,已经在SIAM J. Sci. Comput.、SIAM J. Matrix Anal.Appl.、SIAM J. Imaging Sci.、J. Comput. Phys.、Inverse Probl.、J. Differ. Equ.、ACM T. Math. Software、Comput. Phys. Commun.、J. Sci. Comput.等期刊发表学术论文60余篇。

Wen-wei Lin

Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis, Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, Metric-Preserving Computational Geometry, Computational Chaotic Systems

林文伟教授是南京应用数学中心的副主任,同时也是上海数学与交叉科学研究院(SIMIS)的客座教授和联合创始人之一。在加入南京应用数学中心之前,他是台湾阳明交通大学的终身讲座教授和博士生导师。他于 1986 年在德国比勒费尔德大学(Bielefeld University)获得数学博士学位。

林教授长期从事包括大规模矩阵计算与优化、用于纳米研究和准晶体的快速保结构加倍算法、Maxwell 方程的高性能计算方法、在图像处理和生成网格中应用的 3D 保度计算几何,以及混沌加密系统等领域的研究。他在包括 SIMAX、SISC、SIIMS、SINUM、NM、MC、JCP、IP、CPC、ACM TOMS 等领先期刊上发表了 220 多篇论文,并在 SIAM Foundations of Algorithms 系列中出版了一部学术专著。


Interface between Statistics and Geometry Non-Euclidean Statistics High-dimensional Statistical Inference

姚志刚,新加坡国立大学统计与数据科学系副教授兼终身教授。现为哈佛大学数学科学与应用中心访问成员,清华大学YMSC访问教授,也曾作为特邀客座教授访问瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学 (EPFL) 等大学。研究兴趣主要为复杂数据的统计推断。近年来专注于非欧式统计 (Non-Euclidean Statistics) 和低维流形拟合 (Manifold Fitting) 的研究。姚教授在与丘成桐教授的合作和帮助下,致力于推动几何与统计的交互这一全新领域的研究。近年来,姚教授与其合作者提出在黎曼流形上重新定义传统PCA的principal flow/sub-manifold以及principal boundary等方法和理论,以及全空间下流形拟合的新方法和理论。这些方法通过挖掘隐藏在数据本身的几何结构,旨在解决传统统计方法和理论中的缺陷。目前,这些方法和理论已逐渐被用于大规模数据的分析包括单细胞测序数据和网络数据等。个人网页 https://zhigang-yao.github.io/ https://zhigang-yao.github.io/


Aamir Hamid Dar

Time-frequency analysis, Wavelet analysis, Integral transformations and Signal processing

Dr. Aamir Hamid Dar is a Postdoc Research Scholar at Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS). Recently, he received his PhD in Mathematical Sciences from Islamic University of Science and Technology, Kashmir India.

Dr. Aamir’s current research interests mainly focus on Time-frequency analysis, Wavelet analysis, Integral transformations and Signal processing.













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