Email: hzou _at_ simis.cn
2016-2021 弗吉尼亚理工大学 物理 博士
2024- 上海数学与交叉学科研究院 助理教授
2021-2024 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心 博士后
2021-2024 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院 博士后
- 弗吉尼亚理工大学研究生院奖学金(2020)
Publications (preprints)
- J. Guo, B. Lin and H. Zou, “A GLSM realization of derived equivalence in U(1) × U(2) models,” arXiv:2312.05740 [hep-th].
- W. Gu, L. Mihalcea, E. Sharpe, W. Xu, H. Zhang and H. Zou, “Quantum K Whitney relations for partial flag varieties,” arXiv:2310.03826 [math.AG].
- W. Gu, L. Mihalcea, E. Sharpe, W. Xu, H. Zhang and H. Zou, “Quantum K theory rings of partial flag manifolds,” arXiv:2306.11094 [hep-th].
- W. Gu, L. C. Mihalcea, E. Sharpe and H. Zou, “Quantum K theory of Grassmannians, Wilson line operators, and Schur bundles,” arXiv:2208.01091 [math.AG].
Publications (published)
- H. Shu, P. Zhao, R. D. Zhu and H. Zou, “Bethe-State Counting and the Witten Index,” SciPost Phys. 15, 103 (2023).
- P. Zhao and H. Zou, “Remarks on 2d unframed quiver gauge theories,” JHEP 05, 121 (2023).
- C. M. Chang, W. Cui, W. J. Ma, H. Shu and H. Zou, “Shadow celestial amplitudes,” JHEP 02, 017 (2023).
- X. Gao and H. Zou, “Applying machine learning to the Calabi-Yau orientifolds with string vacua,” Phys. Rev. D 105, no.4, 046017 (2022), arXiv:2112.04950 [hep-th].
- J. Guo and H. Zou, “Quantum cohomology of symplectic flag manifolds,” J. Phys. A 55, no.27, 275401 (2022).
- W. Gu, L. Mihalcea, E. Sharpe and H. Zou, “Quantum K theory of symplectic Grassmannians,” J. Geom. Phys. 177, 104548 (2022)
- W. Gu, E. Sharpe and H. Zou, “Notes on two-dimensional pure supersymmetric gauge theories,” JHEP 04, 261 (2021).
- W. Gu, E. Sharpe and H. Zou, “GLSMs for exotic Grassmannians,” JHEP 10, 200 (2020).
- W. Gu and H. Zou, “Supersymmetric Localization in GLSMs for Supermanifolds,” JHEP 05 (2019), 019.
- H. Parsian, E. Sharpe and H. Zou, “(0,2) versions of exotic (2,2) GLSMs,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 33 (2018) no.18n19, 1850113.
- H. Zou and F. Z. Yang, “Effective superpotentials of Type II D-brane/F-theory on compact complete intersection Calabi–Yau threefolds,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A 31 (2016) no.15, 1650094.