电子邮件: arao _at_ simis.cn
研究领域: Diophantine Approximation, Geometry of Numbers, Lie Groups
Links: Personal site
Anurag Rao obtained a PhD in mathematics from Brandeis University in 2020. Following that he did postdoctoral work at Wesleyan University, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai University, Israel Institute of Technology and Peking University. His current work is in dynamical systems arising from Lie groups and applications to number theory.
- 2014-2020 布兰迪斯大学 博士
- 2020-2021 Wesleyan University 助理教授
- 2021 TIFR Visitor
- 2022 Mumbai University Research Associate
- 2022-2023 Israel Institute of Technology 博士后
- 2023-2024 Peking University 博士后
Selected Publications:
- A zero-one law for uniform Diophantine approximation in Euclidean norm (2020)
- Abundance of Dirichlet-improvable pairs with respect to arbitrary norms (2021)
- A dichotomy phenomenon for Bad minus normed Dirichlet (2022).