- 2020-2023 东京大学 数学 博士
- 2018-2020 东京大学 数学 硕士
- 2025- 上海数学与交叉学科研究院 助理教授
- 2023-2025 复旦大学上海数学中心 博士后
- 东京大学数理科学研究科长奖,2023
- L. Wang, On automorphisms and the cone conjecture for Enriques surfaces in odd characteristic. Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 28, 2021, Issue 4, pp. 1263–1281.
- L. Wang, Remarks on nef and movable cones of hypersurfaces in Mori dream spaces. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 226, 2022, Issue 11, 107101.
- L. Wang, On automorphisms of Hilbert squares of smooth hypersurfaces. Communications in Algebra, Volume 51, 2023, Issue 2, pp. 586–595.
- L. Wang, Periodic points and arithmetic degrees of certain rational self-maps. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Published Online, May 2023.
- C. Jiang, L. Wang, On numerical dimensions of Calabi–Yau varieties. International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2024, Issue 2, January 2024, pp. 1472–1495.
- C. Gachet, H.-Y. Lin, L. Wang, Nef cones of fiber products and an application to the Cone Conjecture. Forum of Mathematics, Sigm, Volume 12 , 2024, e28.
- T.-C. Dinh, C. Gachet, H.-Y. Lin, K. Oguiso, L. Wang, X. Yu, Smooth projective surfaces with infinitely many real forms. arXiv:2210.04760.
- J. Jia, L. Wang, Wild automorphisms of compact complex manifolds of lower dimensions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 151, 2023, Issue 12, pp. 5117–5137.
- Y. Matsuzawa, L. Wang, Arithmetic degrees and Zariski dense orbits of cohomologically hyperbolic maps. arXiv:2212.05804.