SIMIS Seminar on Derived and Noncommutative Geometry: On a mathematical formulation of Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture

Speaker: Hang Yuan (BIMSA)

Abstract: Given a Lagrangian fibration, we propose that the dual torus fibration, for a precise formulation of the SYZ conjecture, should be interpreted as a non-Archimedean torus fibration defined over the Novikov field. This proposal comes from a toy model of the SYZ duality between the complex logarithm map and the non-Archimedean tropicalization map. Both are viewed as torus fibrations over Euclidean space, equipped with the trivial integral affine structure. A canonical globalization of this toy model from A-side to B-side, which preserves the integral affine structure, is constructed via (family) Floer theory applied to the family of Lagrangian fibers. Time permitting, we will briefly explain some basic aspects of non-archimedean geometry, explore explicit SYZ examples with extensions to singular fibers, and discuss relevant applications to symplectic geometry.

Time: 16:00-19:00 (with tea break), Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

Location: Room 1410, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

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