Assistant professor
Email: yuanxin _at_ andrew.cmu.edu
Research Fields: Theoretical Physics
Office No.:
Yuan obtained Ph. D. degree at Boston University with Liam Fitzpatrick. After that he worked at Yale University and Carnegie Mellon University as postdoctoral fellow. Yuan’s research focuses on novel non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory and quantum many-body physics and applications in understanding phenomena such as criticality, symmetry breaking/emergence, and confinement. Recently his work involves using bootstrap, Hamiltonian truncation, and DMRG to study low dimension quantum systems.
Education Experience
- 2011-2015 Nanjing University Physics Bachelor
- 2015-2020 Boston University Physics Doctor
Work Experience
- 2020-2023 Yale University Postdoc
- 2023- Carnegie Mellon University Postdoc
Honors and Awards
- Lightcone Hamiltonian for Ising Field Theory I: T < Tc, with A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Emanuel Katz. arXiv:2311.16290
- Bootstrapping the gap in quantum spin systems, with Colin Nancarrow, JHEP 08 (2023) 052. arXiv:2211.03819
- Bootstrapping Nf=4 conformal QED3, with Soner Albayrak, Rajeev S. Erramilli, Zhijin Li, David Poland Published in: Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 8, 8. arXiv:2112.02106