Visiting Scholar
Email: wwlin _at_ outlook.com
Research Fields: Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis, Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, Metric-Preserving Computational Geometry, Computational Chaotic Systems
Office No.:
Wen-Wei Lin is a professor and vice president of Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics (NCAM), as well as a visiting professor at Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS), and one of its co-founders. Prior to joining NCAM, he is a Lifetime Chair Professor and doctoral supervisor at Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Bielefeld University (Germany) in 1986.
Professor Lin has been engaged in research areas including large-scale matrix computations and optimizations, fast structure-preserving doubling algorithms for nano research and quasi-crystals, high-performance computational methods for Maxwell’s equations, 3D metric-preserving computational geometry with applications in image processing and mesh generation, and the theory and applications of chaotic encryption systems. He has published over 220 papers in leading journals, including SIMAX, SISC, SIIMS, SINUM, NM, MC, JCP, IP, CPC, ACM TOMS, and authored one academic monograph published in the SIAM Foundations of Algorithms series.
Education Experience
- 1980-1985 Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Bielefeld, Germany, Advisor: Professor Dr. Ludwig Elsner
- 1976-1978 M.S., Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- 1972-1976 B.S., Applied Mathematics, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Work Experience
- 1985-1986 Postdoctoral of Department of Applied Mathematics University of Bielefeld.
- 1986-1991 Associate Professor of Institute of Applied Mathematics National Tsing Hua University.
- 1991-1996 Professor of Institute of Applied Mathematics National Tsing Hua University.
- 1996-2008 Professor of Department of Mathematics National Tsing Hua University.
- 2005-2006 Professor of Natural Science of National Tsing Hua University.
- 2006-2008 Chair Professor of Mathematics National Tsing Hua University.
- 2008-2010 Chair Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics National Chiao Tung University.
- 2010-2012 Distinguished Professor of Department of Mathematics National Taiwan University.
- 2015-2022 Chairman of Department of Applied Mathematics National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
- 2015-2023 Executive Officer of the ST Yau Center National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
- 2012- Chair Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
- 2023- Vice Director of Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics Nanjing China.
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Research Awards from Science Council of Taiwan (1994 & 2002)
- Distinguished Research Award from Sun Yat-Sen Academic Foundation (1999)
- Academic Research Award from Ministry of Education of Taiwan (2004)
- Highest Chairship Professor from Ministry of Education of Taiwan (2007 – 2009)
- Distinguished Alumni of National Chengchi University (2018)
- Chen Prizes of International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (2019)
- TWSIAM Fellow (Since 2021)
Previous Relevant Research Work:
- T.-M. Huang, W.-H. Liao, W.-W. Lin, M.-H. Yueh, and S.-T. Yau, Convergence Analysis of Volumetric Stretch Energy Minimization and its Associated Optimal Mass Transport, SIAM Image Sci., 16(3), (2023), 1825-1855.
- Li Wang, R.-C. Li, and W.-W. Lin, Multiview Orthonormalized Partial Least Squares: Regularizations and Deep Extensions, IEEE Trans. Neur. Networks & Learn. Syst., (2021), 1-15.
- Y.-C. Kuo, W.-W. Lin, and S.-F. Shieh, Structure-Preserving Flows of Sympletic Matrix Pairs, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 37, No. 3, (2016), 976–1001.
- Z. Jia, W.-W. Lin, and C.-S. Liu, A Positivity Inexact Noda Iteration for Computing the Smallest Eigenpair of a Large Irreducible M-Matrix, Numer. Math., Vol. 130, No.4, (2015), 645-679.
- C.-H. Guo, Y.-C. Kuo and W.-W. Lin, On a Nonlinear Matrix Equation Arising in Nano Research, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 33,(2012), 235-262.
- C.-H. Guo and W.-W. Lin, The Matrix Equation X + ATX-1A = Q and its Application in Nano Research, SIAM Sci. Comp., Vol. 5 (2010), 3020-3038.
- R.-C. Li, W.-W. Lin and C.-S. Wang, Structured Backward Error for Palindromic Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems, Numer. Math., Vol. 116, No. 1 (2010), 95-122.
- D. Chu, M. Chu and W.-W. Lin, Quadratic Model Updating with Symmetry, Positive Definiteness, and No Spill-Over, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 31, No. 2 (2009), 546-564.
- M.T. Chu, W.-W. Lin, and S.-F. Xu, Updating Quadratic Models with No Spillover Effect on Unmeasured Spectral Data, Inverse Problems, Vol. 23, Issue 1 (2007), 243-256.
- D.L. Chu, W.-W. Lin, and R.C.E. Tan, A Numerical Method for a Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equation, SIAM Control Optim., Vol. 45, No. 4 (2006), 1222-1250.
Five Representative Papers in the Last Five Years:
- Y.-C. Kuo, W.-W. Lin, M.-H. Yueh, and S.-T. Yau, Convergent Conformal Energy Minimization for the Computation of Disk Parameterizations, SIAM Imag. Sci., 14(4), (2021), 1790–1815.
- M.-H. Yueh, T. Li, W.-W. Lin, and S.-T. Yau, A New Efficient Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of Genus-One 3-Manifolds, SIAM Imag. Sci., Vol 13, Issue 3, (2020), 1536-1564.
- Y.-C. Kuo, W.-W. Lin, and S.-F. Shieh, A Structure Preserving Flow for Computing Hamiltonian Matrix Exponential, Numer. Math., Vol. 143, Issue 3, (2019), 555-582.
- T.-M. Huang, T. Li, R.-L. Chern, and W.-W. Lin, Electromagnetic Field Behavior of 3D Maxwell’s Equation for Chiral Media, J. Comp. Phys. Vol 379, (2019), 118-131.
- Z.-C. Guo, E.-K.-W. Chu, and W.-W. Lin, Doubling Algorithm for the Discretized Bethe-Salpeter Eigenvalue Problem, Math. Comp., Vol 88, (2019), 2325-2350.
Five Representative Papers beyond the Last Five Years:
- C.-S. Liu, C.-H. Guo, and W.-W. Lin, A Positivity Preserving Inverse Iteration for Finding the Perron Pair of an Inreducible Nonnegative Third Order Tensor, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 37, No. 3, (2016), 911–932.
- T.-M. Huang, W.-W. Lin, and V. Mehrmann, A Newton-Type Method with Non-equivalence Deflation for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Arising in Photonic Crystal Modeling, SIAM Sci. Comp. Vol. 38, No. 2, (2016), B191-B218.
- Z. Jia, W.-W. Lin, and C.-S. Liu, A Positivity Inexact Noda Iteration for Computing the Smallest Eigenpair of a Large Irreducible M-Matrix, Numer. Math., Vol. 130, No.4, (2015), 645-679.
- Y.-L. Huang, T.-M. Huang, W.-W. Lin and W.-C. Wang, A Null Space Free Jacobi-Davidson Iteration for Maxwell’s Operator, SIAM Sci. Comp., Vol. 37, No. 1, (2015), A1-A29.
- T.-M. Huang, H.-E. Hsieh, W.-W. Lin and W. Wang, Eigendecomposition of the Discrete Double-Curl Operator with Application to Fast Eigensolver for Three Dimensional Photonic Crystals, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 34, No. 2, (2013), 369-391.