Vyacheslav Lysov

Assistant Professor

Email: lysov _at_ simis.cn
Research Fields: Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics
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Vyacheslav Lysov is an Assistant Professor at the Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS). Before joining SIMIS, he was an Arnold Fellow at the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences (LIMS) in the UK. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics at Harvard in 2014. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, Caltech, and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).

Professor Lysov’s current research interests mainly focus on tropical mirror symmetry and other related interdisciplinary topics in theoretical physics and mathematical physics.

Educational Experience

  • 2007-2014 PhD.  Physics  Harvard University 
  • 2005-2007 M.A.  Theoretical physics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology  
  • 2001-2005 B.A.  Physics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 

Work Experience 

  • 2023-2024  London Institute for Mathematical Sciences  Arnold Fellow
  • 2020-2023  Waseda University  Lecturer
  • 2018-2023  Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Scholar
  • 2014-2017  California Institute of Technology  Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar 
  • 2014-2014  Harvard University Postdoctoral Scholar

Honors and Awards

  • 2014 – 2017  Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholarship


  1. V. Lysov, “Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem via BV localization,” [arXiv:2402.09162[hep-th]]
  2. A. Losev and V. Lysov, “BV-reinement of the on-shell supersymmetry and localization,” [arXiv:2312.13999 [hep-th]].
  3. A. Losev and V. Lysov, “Tropical mirror for toric surfaces,” [arXiv:2305.00423 [hep-th]].
  4. A. Losev and V. Lysov, “Tropical Mirror Symmetry: Correlation func- tions,” [arXiv:2301.01687 [hep-th]].
  5. V. Lysov andY. Neiman, “Bulk locality and gauge invariance for boundary-bilocal cubic correlators in higher-spin gravity,” JHEP 12, 142 (2022)
  6. V. Lysov and Y. Neiman, “Higher-spin gravity’s “string”: new gauge and proof of holographic duality for the linearized Didenko-Vasiliev solution,” JHEP 10, 054 (2022)
  7. A. Losev and V. Lysov, “Tropical Mirror,” [arXiv:2204.06896 [hep-th]]
  8. V. Lysov and Y. Neiman, “A microscopic derivation of the quantum mea- surement postulates,” [arXiv:2107.00803[quant-ph]]
  9. V. Lysov, “Phase Space on a Surface with Boundary via Symplectic Re- duction,” [arXiv:2103.13284 [hep-th]]
  10. V. Lysov, “Dual Fluid for the Kerr Black Hole,” JHEP 06 (2018), 080
  11. V. Lysov, “Asymptotic Fermionic Symmetry From Soft Gravitino Theo- rem,” arXiv:1512.03015 [hep-th]
  12. D. Kapec, V. Lysov, S. Pasterski and A. Strominger, “Higher-Dimensional Supertranslations and Weinberg’s Soft Graviton Theorem,” Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Volume 2 (2017), pp 69-94
  13. D. Kapec, V. Lysovand A. Strominger, “Asymptotic Symmetries of Mass- less QED in Even Dimensions,” Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 21 (2017), 1747-1767
  14. V. Lysov, S. Pasterski and A. Strominger, “Low’s Subleading Soft Theo- rem as a Symmetry of QED,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) no.11
  15. D. Kapec, V. Lysov, S. Pasterski and A. Strominger, “Semiclassical Vi- rasoro symmetry of the quantum gravity S-matrix,” JHEP 08 (2014), 058
  16. T. He, V. Lysov, P. Mitra and A. Strominger, “BMS supertranslations and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem,” JHEP 05 (2015), 151
  17. V. Lysov, “On the Magnetohydrodynamics/Gravity Correspondence,” arXiv:1310.4181 [hep-th]
  18. D. L. Jaferis, A. Lupsasca, V. Lysov, G. S. Ng, A. Strominger “Quasi-normal Quantization in deSitter Spacetime,” JHEP 1501, 004 (2015)
  19. V. Lysov, A. Strominger, “From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes,” [arXiv:1104.5502 [hep-th]]
  20. I. Bredberg, C. Keeler, V. Lysov and A. Strominger, “Cargese Lectures on the Kerr/CFT Correspondence,” Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 216, 194 (2011)
  21. I. Bredberg, C. Keeler, V. Lysov and A. Strominger, “From Navier-Stokes To Einstein,” JHEP 07, 146 (2012)
  22. I. Bredberg, C. Keeler, V. Lysovand A. Strominger, “Wilsonian Approach to Fluid/Gravity Duality,” JHEP 1103, 141 (2011)
  23. Gorodentsev, A. L., A. S. Losev, and V. E. Lysov. ”Functorial A1- coproduct of combinatorial simplicial chains transferred to itself under barycentric subdivision.” (2010).
  24. V. Alexandrov, D. Krotov, A. Losev and V. Lysov, “Materializing su- perghosts,” JETP Lett. 86, 439 (2007)
  25. V. Alexandrov, D. Krotov, A. Losev and V. Lysov, “On Pure Spinor Superield Formalism,” JHEP 0710, 074 (2007)
  26. A. Gorsky and V. Lysov, “From efective actions to the background ge- ometry,” Nucl. Phys. B 718, 293 (2005)
  27. V. Lysov, “Anticommutativity equation in topological quantum mechan- ics,” JETP Lett. 76, 724 (2002) [Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 76, 855 (2002)
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