SIMIS+Shanghaitech Joint Seminar on Theoretical Physics: Fortuity and Monotony in SYK models

Speaker: Bik Soon Sia (Tsinghua University)

Abstract: In holographic theories with nilpotent supercharges, BPS states can be classified into fortuitous states and monotonous states. Fortuity distinguishes typical black hole microstates from those of horizonless geometries (monotonous). I will explain this classification in SUSY SYK models. Fortuitous states also like to concentrate at some particular charge sectors. I will propose a conjecture called ‘’supercharge chaos’’ to account for this concentration phenomena and explain an index calculation to locate the particular charge where the concentration occurs. Along the way I will mention the features of N=2 SUSY SYK models and their BPS sector. This is a joint work with Chi Ming Chang, Yiming Chen and Zhenbin Yang.

Time: Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 15:00-16:00

Location: Auditorium (18th floor), SIMIS
Zoom Meeting No: 423 317 8953 (Passcode: SIMIS)

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