Physical Math Seminar @SIMIS: Freezing of O7-plane and gauge theory

Speaker: Futoshi Yagi (Huzhou University)

Abstract: In this talk, we discuss that O7^+ plane and O7^- plane with 8 D7-branes play analogous role to each other, which we denote as “freezing”. This effect indicates that two different gauge theories provide some kind of “equivalence” at the level of cubic prepotentials, Seiberg-Witten curves and Nekrasov partition functions. In this talk, we consider the relation between five dimensional (5d) N=1 SU gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in symmetric representation and the 5d N=1 SU gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in antisymmetric representation. We also discuss the relation between 5d N=1 SO gauge theory and 5d N=1 Sp gauge theory. This talk is bases on the collaboration with H.Hayashi, S-S.Kim, and K. Lee (arXiv:2306.11631) and the collaboration with S-S.Kim, X. Li, and S.Nawata (arXiv:2403.12525).

Time: 16:00-17:30, Thur., Dec. 26, 2024

Location: Room 1610 at SIMIS, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Zoom Meeting No.: 423 317 8953 (Passcode: SIMIS)

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