2024 Fall: Homological Mirror Symmetry: an introduction

Lecturer: Veronica Pasquarella

Course Description: Homological Mirror Symmetry (HMS) is a role model of how pure maths and theoretical physics come to the merge. Motivated by string theory, HMS is a fascinating proposal towards advancing the understanding of higher-dimensional theories while providing an original and elegant dictionary promisingly leading to further pure maths achievements.
The present course is split into two, one for each semester. The first part of the course will be dealing with all the preliminary tools needed for understanding the correspondence, and will be more introductory. The second part, instead, will lead to the construction of the correspondence. Part II will be more advanced, and, obviously, relying on Part I.

Time and Location:

  • 13:30-15:00, Monday, Room 1710 (starting from 16th Sept.)
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