Organizer: Veronica Pasquarella <>
From Spring 2025, in addition to local faculty members, SIMIS String Math Seminars will comprise remote speakers. The dates that have already been fixed are as follows:
Wednesday 15th January, Speaker: Yi Li (SIMIS), 10 a.m. room 1610
Wednesday 22nd January, Speaker: Nafiz Ishtiaque (IHES), 4 p.m. room 1610 (remote speaker)
Tuesday 11th February, Speaker: Ian Strachan, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (remote speaker)
Dubrovin duality and mirror symmetry for ADE resolutions
Wednesday 12th February, Speaker: Nathan J. Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR), 8 a.m. (remote speaker)
Wednesday 19th February, Speaker: Chung Pang Mok (SIMIS), 4 p.m. room 1610
Wednesday 26th February, Speaker: Andrew J. Baker (University of Glasgow, Scotland), 5 p.m. room 1610 (online speaker)
Wednesday 5th March, Speaker: Kai Xu (Harvard), 8 a.m. (online speaker)
Wednesday 12th March , Speaker: Paul Seidel (MIT), 10 a.m. (online speaker)
Wednesday 19th March, Speaker: Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS Bangalore, India), 4 p.m. room 1610 (online speaker)
We also anticipate the following in-person speakers visiting SIMIS this year (with exact dates of the talks/lectures yet to be defined):
Mikhail Khovanov (Johns Hopkins University), room 1610
Daniel Pomerleano (Boston University), room 1610
Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University), room 1610
Mohammed Abouzaid (Stanford University), room 1610, who will be delivering a special lecture series in SIMIS (3 lectures on the week of 24th March)
In-person talks are usually Russian-style, encouraging active interaction between speaker and audience, in which case the seminar oftentimes runs for up to 3 hours, with an intermediate break taken at a suitable time. Please note that, during lecture period, room 1610 will only be used for talks taking place in late afternoon (as also specified above), in order to avoid any inconvenience to prescheduled timetables.
Remote participation is available for this seminar series. For those wishing to join the mailing list to receive the Zoom link, please email the seminar’s organiser:
[Old events]
We are happy to announce the seminars on string math. as follows:
On the Hilbert Space of the Chern-Simons Matrix Model, Deformed Double Current Algebra Action, and the Conformal Limit
Wednesday 30th October 4pm room 1610
Speaker: Sen Hu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Celestial optical theorem and CPW coefficients in celestial holography
Wednesday 13th November 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Wenjie Ma (SIMIS)
Intersection theory on moduli space of super Riemann surfaces
Wednesday 20th November 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Hao Xu (SIMIS)
Instantons and the Large N=4 Algebra
Friday 22th November 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Edward Witten (IAS)
Send comments or questions to: veronica-pasquarella _at_
A quantum deformation of the N=2 superconformal algebra
Wednesday 27th November 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Junichi Shiraishi (Tokyo University)
Branes and Representations of DAHA of C^\vee C1
Wednesday 4th December 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Satoshi Nawata (Fudan University)
Quantum Toroidal Symmetries
Wednesday 11th December 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Jean-Emile Bourgine (SIMIS)
M2-M5 giant graviton expansions
Wednesday 18th December 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Tomoki Nosaka (SIMIS)
Geometry of the Thurston norm
Wednesday 25th December 4 pm room 1610
Speaker: Han Hans Xiaolong (SIMIS)
G_2 geometry and G_2 flows
Wednesday 15th January 10a.m. room 1610
Speaker: Yi Li (SIMIS)
Equivalence of Pure Spinor and Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz Superstring Scattering Amplitudes
Wednesday, 12th February, 2025
Nathan Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR)