Veronica Pasquarella


Email: veronica-pasquarella _at_
Research Fields: Homological Mirror Symmetry


I am a postdoctoral researcher at SIMIS. My research focuses on Homological Mirror Symmetry and its application to String Theory and Calabi-Yau categories.

In addition to conducting research, I will also be teaching a course on Homological Mirror Symmetry at SIMIS, splitting it in between two semesters: the first will be more introductory, whereas the second will be more advanced.

I completed my PhD in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2024. Prior to that, I earned a Master of Advanced Studies in the Mathematics Department in Cambridge in 2020. I also completed a Master in Theoretical Physics (in 2019) and a Bachelor in Physics (in 2016) at the University of Trieste, in Italy.


  • 2020.10 – 2024.07 University of Cambridge, UK Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Doctor
  • 2019.10 – 2020.07 Univ. of Cambridge, UK Maths and Theor. Physics Master of Advanced Studies
  • 2016.09 – 2019.07 Univ. of Trieste, Italy Theoretical Physics Master
  • 2013.09 – 2016.07 Univ. of Trieste, Italy Physics Bachelor


  • 2024.09.01 – 2024.09.07 BIMSA Beijing Visiting Researcher
  • 2024.06 – 2024.08.31 ICTP Trieste, Italy Visiting Researcher
  • 2023.06.29 – 2023.07.16 YMSC Tsinghua University Visiting Researcher
  • 2023.04.17 – 2023.04.30 School of Mathematics University of Edinburgh, UK Visiting Researcher
  • 2017.04.17 – 2019.09.22 ICTP Trieste, Italy Visiting Researcher



  1. “Dualities and Categorical Structures from 2D Up”, V. Pasquarella, [2406.11964] Dualities and Categorical Structures from 2D Up ( PhD thesis. For the original version, submitted for dissertation, please see: Dualities and Categorical Structures from 2D Up V Pasquarella (2024) (doi: 10.17863/CAM.109212)
  2. “Particle Physics: a crash course for Mathematicians”, V. Pasquarella, [2404.08100] Particle Physics: a crash course for Mathematicians (
  3. “Factorisation Homology for Class S Theories”, V. Pasquarella, [2312.06760] Factorisation Homology for Class S Theories (
  4. “Moore-Tachikawa Varieties: Beyond Duality”, V. Pasquarella, published in JHAP (2023), [2310.01489] Moore-Tachikawa Varieties: Beyond Duality (
  5. “Drinfeld Centers from Magnetic Quivers”, V. Pasquarella, [2306.12471] Drinfeld Centers from Magnetic Quivers (
  6. “Categorical Symmetries and Fiber Functors from Multiple Condensing Homomorphisms from 6D N= (2,0) SCFTs”, V. Pasquarella, [2305.18515] Categorical Symmetries and Fiber Functors from Multiple Condensing Homomorphisms from 6D SCFTs (
  7. “Vacuum Transitions in Two-Dimensions and their Holographic Interpretation”, V. Pasquarella and F. Quevedo, [2211.07664] Vacuum Transitions in Two-Dimensions and their Holographic Interpretation (, J. High Energ. Phys. 2023, 192 (2023).
  8. “Quantum Transitions Between Minkowski and de Sitter Spacetimes”, S. P. de Alwis, F. Muia, V. Pasquarella and F. Quevedo, September 2019,, published in Fortschritte der Physik in 2020
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