报告人: Fernando Alday
摘要: I will describe recent progress in computing tree-level string amplitudes on curved AdS backgrounds, denoted AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitudes.In particular,we will discuss two limits,the Regge and high energy limits,where the amplitude can be computed in an explicit form.
时间: 1:30-4:00 pm, Oct.21,2024
地点: 上海数学与交叉学科研究院18楼报告厅
Zoom会议号: 423 317 8953 (Passcode: SIMIS)
Fernando Alday, FRS is Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the Mathematical Institute,University of Oxford.He is renowned for the development of mathematical tools to understand fundamental questions in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity.Fernando is a recipient of the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award and the LMS Whitehead prize.Since 2020 he is Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics and head of the Mathematical Physics Group at the University of Oxford. In 2022 he was elected member of the Royal Society.