SIMIS Seminar on Derived and Noncommutative Geometry: Generalized Complex Geometry in terms of Shifted Symplectic Holomorphic Stack

报告人: Yingdi Qin (SIMIS)

摘要: Kapustin and Orlov first notice that the D-branes of the Topological A-model (Fukaya category) are not necessarily supported on Lagragian submanifolds, certain coisotropic branes are also allowed. M.Gualtieri later generalizes the concept of coisotropic branes to generalized complex geometry, in which are called generalized complex branes. In this talk, I will describe a Shifted Symplectic approach to Generalized Complex geometry, interpreting a generalized complex manifold as a Shifted Symplectic Holomorphic stack and a generalized complex submanifold as a holomorphic Lagrangian substack. The new structure of homotopy complex structure was introduced, partly explains the phenomenon that coisotropic branes are naturally equipped with transverse complex structures.

时间: 16:00~19:00 (with break for tea), Monday, Oct. 14, 2024

地点: Room 1410, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

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