Email: liangguo _at_ simis.cn
Research Fields: Noncommutative Geometry
Office No.
郭亮博士近期的研究兴趣为非交换几何, 算子代数K-理论, 粗几何与高指标理论, 他同时感兴趣于非标准分析与粗几何的交叉。
- 2018-2024 华东师范大学, 数学,博士
- 2024- , 上海数学与交叉学科研究院, 博士后.
- 2023 国家奖学金, 华东师范大学.
- L. Guo, Z. Luo, Q. Wang, and Y. Zhang, A Bott periodicity theorem for -spaces and the coarse Novikov conjecture at infinity. J. Funct. Anal., 286(2):Paper No. 110215, 2024.
- L. Guo, Z. Luo, Q. Wang, and Y. Zhang, The twisted coarse Baum-Connes conjecture with coefficients in coarsely proper algebras. J. Funct. Anal., 285(8):Paper No. 110067, 41, 2023.
- L. Guo, Z. Luo, Q. Wang, and Y. Zhang, K-theory of the maximal and reduced Roe algebras of metric spaces with A-by-CE coarse fibrations. Journal of Topology and Analysis, available online (https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793525323500073) , 2023.
- L. Guo, H. Wang, and Q. Wang, On the quotients of coarse structures and Roe algebras. Topology Appl., 319:Paper No. 108227, 18, 2022