Jean-Emile Bourgine


Email: bourgine _at_
Research Fields: Mathematical Physics, Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups, String Theory
Office No.: 1620


Asst. Prof Bourgine’s research interests lie at the interface of quantum integrable systems, string theory and representation theory of quantum groups. During his career, he has published a number of articles on a variety of topics in mathematical physics, including random matrix models, 2D quantum gravity, lattice statistical models, integrable hierarchies, supersymmetric gauge theories, quantum algebras and string theory. He is currently working mainly on the representation theory of quantum toroidal algebras, on which he has obtained several important new results that find application in the description of brane systems in string theory.

Asst. Prof Bourgine did his PhD at Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT) CEA-Saclay, he graduated from Université Paris Sud XI (now Paris-Saclay) in 2010. He previously held research positions in South Korea (Sogang University, APCTP, KIAS), Italy (INFN) and Australia (University of Melbourne).


2021 – 2024: The University of Melbourne, Australia, Senior Research Fellow
2021 – 2022: Center for Quantum SpaceTime (CQUeST), Sogang University, South Korea, Research Fellow
2016 – 2020: Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), South Korea, Research Fellow
2014 – 2016: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) di Bologna, Italy, Research Fellow
2013 – 2014: Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), South Korea, Research Fellow
2010 – 2013: Center for Quantum SpaceTime (CQUeST), Sogang University, South Korea, Research Fellow


2006 – 2010: PhD at the Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT) CEA-Saclay
2005 – 2006: MSc in Theoretical Physics at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Paris
2004 – 2005: BSc Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon


  1. J.-E. Bourgine, A. Garbali, A (q,t)-deformation of the 2d Toda integrable hierarchy (2024) Communications in Mathematical Physics (CMP) 405 9, 204. arXiv:2308.16583 [math-ph]
  2. J.-E. Bourgine, Y. Matsuo, A Calogero model for the non-Abelian quantum Hall effect (2024) Physical Review B 109, no.15, 155158. arXiv:2401.03087 [hep-th]
  3. J.-E. Bourgine, Shifted quantum groups and matter multiplets in supersymmetric gauge theories (2023) CMP 401 2, 2051-2114. arXiv:2205.01309 [hep-th]
  4. J.-E. Bourgine, Engineering 3D N = 2 theories using the quantum affine sl(2) algebra (2022) Nuclear Physics B 985 (2022), 115979. arXiv:2107.10063 [hep-th]
  5. J.-E. Bourgine, Intertwining operator and integrable hierarchies from topological strings Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 2105, 216 (2021). arXiv:2101.09925 [hep-th]
  6. J.-E. Bourgine, Quantum W1+∞ subalgebras of BCD type and symmetric polynomials Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 6, 063505 (2021). arXiv:2101.03877 [hep-th]
  7. J.-E. Bourgine and S. Jeong, New quantum toroidal algebras from 5D N = 1 instantons on orbifolds JHEP 2005, 127 (2020). arXiv:1906.01625 [hep-th]
  8. J.-E. Bourgine, Fiber-base duality from the algebraic perspective JHEP 1903, 003 (2019). arXiv:1810.00301 [hep-th]
  9. J.-E. Bourgine and K. Zhang, A note on the algebraic engineering of 4D N = 2 super Yang-Mills theories Physics Letters B 789, 610 (2019). arXiv:1809.08861 [hep-th]
  10. J.-E. Bourgine and D. Fioravanti, Quantum integrability of N = 2 4d gauge theories, JHEP 1808, 125 (2018). arXiv:1711.07935 [hep-th]
  11. J.-E. Bourgine and D. Fioravanti, Seiberg-Witten period relations in Omega background, JHEP 1808, 124 (2018). arXiv:1711.07570 [hep-th]
  12. J. E. Bourgine, M. Fukuda, Y. Matsuo and R. D. Zhu, Reflection states in Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra and brane-web for D-type quiver, JHEP 1712, 015 (2017). arXiv:1709.01954 [hep-th]
  13. J. E. Bourgine, M. Fukuda, K. Harada, Y. Matsuo and R. D. Zhu, (p, q)-webs of DIM representations, 5d N = 1 instanton partition functions and qq-characters, JHEP 1711, 034 (2017). arXiv:1703.10759 [hep-th]
  14. J. E. Bourgine, M. Fukuda, Y. Matsuo, H. Zhang and R. D. Zhu, Coherent states in quantum W1+∞ algebra and qq-character for 5d Super Yang-Mills, PTEP 2016 no.12, 123B05 (2016). arXiv:1606.08020 [hep-th]
  15. J. -E. Bourgine, P. A. Pearce and E. Tartaglia, Logarithmic Minimal Models with Robin Boundary Conditions, J. Stat. Mech. 1606, no. 6, 063104 (2016). arXiv:1601.04760 [hep-th]
  16. J. -E. Bourgine, Y. Matsuo, H. Zhang Holomorphic field realization of SHc and quantum geometry of quiver gauge theories, JHEP 1604, 167 (2016). arXiv:1512.02492 [hep-th]
  17. J. -E. Bourgine, D. Fioravanti, Mayer expansion of the Nekrasov pre potential: the subleading e2-order, Nuclear Physics B 906 (2016), pp. 408-440. arXiv:1511.02672 [hep-th]
  18. J. -E. Bourgine, D. Fioravanti, Finite 2-corrections to the N = 2 SYM prepotential, Physics Letters B 750 (2015) 139. arXiv:1506.01340 [hep-th]
  19. J. -E. Bourgine, Spherical Hecke algebra in the Nekrasov- Shatashvili limit, JHEP 1501, 114 (2015). arXiv:1407.8341 [hep-th]
  20. J. -E. Bourgine, Confinement and Mayer cluster expansions, International Journal of Modern Physics A A29 (2014), 15, 1450077. arXiv:1402.1626 [hep-th]
  21. J. -E. Bourgine, Notes on Mayer Expansions and Matrix Models , Nuclear Physics B 880C (2014), pp. 476-503. arXiv:1310.3566 [hep-th]
  22. J. -E. Bourgine, Large N techniques for Nekrasov partition functions and AGT conjecture, JHEP 1305, 047 (2013). arXiv:1212.4972 [hep-th]
  23. J. -E. Bourgine, Large N limit of beta-ensembles and deformed Seiberg-Witten relations, JHEP 1208, 046 (2012). arXiv:1206.1696 [hep- th]
  24. J. -E. Bourgine, A note on the integral equation for the Wilson loop in N = 2 D = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory, Journal of Physics A 45, 125403 (2012). arXiv:1111.0384 [hep-th]
  25. J. -E. Bourgine and I. Kostov, On the Yang-Lee and Langer singularities in the O(n) loop model, Journal of Statistical Mechanics (JSTAT) 1201, P01024 (2012). arXiv:1110.1108 [hep-th]
  26. J. -E. Bourgine, G. Ishiki, and C. Rim, Bulk-boundary correlators in the hermitian matrix model and minimal Liouville gravity, Nuclear Physics B 854 (2012) 853-877. arXiv:1107.4186 [hep-th]
  27. J. -E. Bourgine, G. Ishiki and C. Rim, Boundary operators in the one-matrix model, Physics Letters B 698, 68-74 (2011). arXiv:1012.1467 [hep-th]
  28. J. -E. Bourgine, G. Ishiki and C. Rim, Boundary operators in minimal Liouville gravity and matrix models, JHEP 12 (2010) 046. arXiv:1010.1363 [hep-th]
  29. J.-E. Bourgine, K. Hosomichi, and I. Kostov, Boundary transitions of the O(n) model on a dynamical lattice, Nuclear Physics B 832 (2010), no. 3, 462. arXiv:0910.1581 [hep-th]
  30. J. -E. Bourgine, Boundary changing operators in the O(n) matrix model, JHEP 0909 (2009) 020. arXiv:0904.2297 [hep-th]
  31. J. -E. Bourgine and K. Hosomichi, Boundary operators in the O(n) and RSOS matrix models, JHEP 0901 (2009) 009. arXiv:0811.3252 [hep-th]
  32. J. -E. Bourgine, K. Hosomichi, I. Kostov and Y. Matsuo, Scattering of long folded strings and mixed correlators in the two-matrix model, Nuclear Physics B 795 (2008) 243. arXiv:0709.3912 [hep-th]


  1. J.-E. Bourgine, Algebraic Engineering and Integrable Hierarchies In: Dobrev, V. (eds) Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. LT 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 396.
  2. J.-E. Bourgine, Webs of quantum algebra representations in 5d N = 1 Super Yang-Mills Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 263, 209 (2017). Joint proceedings of the 10-th International Symposium “Quantum Theory and Symmetries” and the 12-th International Workshop “Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics” (19-25 June 2017, Varna, Bulgaria).

Contributed talks at conferences and workshops

  • BIRS-IASM workshop “Geometry and Physics of Quantum Toroidal Algebra”, Hangzhou, China, September 2024.
  • MATRIX workshop on “Mathematics and Physics of Integrability (MPI2024)”, Creswick, Australia, July 2024.
  • Conference “BPS Dynamics and Quantum Mathematics”, Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze, Italy, June 2024.
  • Quantum Melbourne summit, Melbourne, Austalia, February 2024.
  • ANZAMP meeting (Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics), Katoomba, Australia, February 2024.
  • MATRIX workshop on “New Deformations of Quantum Field and Gravity Theories”, Creswick, Australia, January 2024.
  • AustMS 2023, annual meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, December 2023.
  • 11th workshop on Integrable Systems, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, December 2023.
  • MATRIX workshop Algebraic Geometry at the interface between Mathematics and Physics, Creswick, Australia, July 2023.
  • String Math 2023, Melbourne, Australia, July 2023.
  • ANZAMP meeting, Hobart, Australia, February 2023.
  • MATRIX/RIMS workshop “Integrability, combinatorics and representation theory”, Creswick, Australia, September 2022.
  • Rizhao workshop on Strings and Gravity, Shanghai University, China, August 2022.
  • Workshop “New Trends in Non-Perturbative Gauge/String Theory and Integrability”, Dijon, France, June 2022.
  • ANZAMP meeting (Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics) organized by Monash, Melbourne, February 2022.
  • Workshop “2D Supersymmetric Theories and Related Topics” organized by the MATRIX institute, Creswick, Australia, January 2022.
  • Workshop KIAS-YITP “String Theory and Quantum Gravity”, Kyoto, Japan, December 2021.
  • “Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics XIV”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2021.
  • Workshop “Strings, Branes and Gauge Theories”, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea, July 2020.
  • Conference “New trends in Integrable Systems”, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan, September 2019.
  • Workshop “Strings, Branes and Gauge Theories”, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea, July 2019.
  • Conference “Quantum Theory and Symmetries”, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, July 2019.
  • KIAS School of Physics and QUC workshop, Gyeongju, Korea, October 2017.
  • “Integrability in Low−Dimensional Quantum Systems”, MATRIX workshop, University of Melbourne, Creswick, Australia, July 2017.
  • “X. International Symposium QUANTUM THEORY AND SYMMETRIES”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2017.
  • “The Current Topics in String Theory”, Korea Institute for Advanced Study workshop, Seoul, Korea, December 2016.
  • “New Trends in Low Dimensional Physics: Quantum Integrability and Applications”, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 2016.
  • “TFI 2015 – Theories of the Fundamental Interactions”, Università di Napoli, Napoli, Italy, November 2015.
  • “CQUeST EU-FP Automn Workshop”, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, September 2012 • “Quantum Integrability and its Applications”, APCTP-CQUeST-IEU Workshop, Jeju-do, Korea, July 2012 • Centro de Ciencias de Benasque for the workshop “Finite-Size Technology in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems”, Spain, July 2010.
  • Les Houches Physics school “Physics in the plane: From condensed matter to string theory”, France, February 2010.
  • “Enrage 09 – Random Geometry and Random Matrices: From Quantum Gravity to Econophysics” at the Max-Planck Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, May 2009.
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