Geometry and Topology Seminar of Fudan & Simis: Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for the Asymptotic Plateau Problem in hyperbolic three-space

报告人: Andrea Seppi (the Institut Fourier of Grenoble)

摘要: The Asymptotic Plateau Problem in the hyperbolic space is the problem of existence of minimal surfaces with a prescribed Jordan curve as a boundary “at infinity”. Since the work of Anderson in the 1980s, it is known to have a solution, which is however in general not unique. In this talk, I will give an overview of the subject, present examples of “pathological” non-uniqueness, and describe some criteria for uniqueness.

时间: 4pm-5:30 pm, September 27th, 2024

Zoom会议号: 944 6083 3287 (Passcode: 199950)

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