报告人: Ruxuan Zhang (SCMS, Fudan University)
摘要: The D-equivalence conjecture predicts that birational Calabi–Yau varieties have equivalent bounded derived category of coherent sheaves. We proved that this conjecture holds for any hyperKähler varieties of K3[n]-type. The proof relies on Markman’s projectively hyperholomorphic bundles, which are constructed from BKR equivalences.
Firstly, I will talk about some basic facts about hyperholomorphic bundles and periods of hyperKähler varieties. Then I will explain our proof of the D-equivalence conjecture.
This is a joint work with Davesh Maulik, Junliang Shen and Qizhen Yin.
时间: 10:00-11:00, Tuesday, Sep. 24, 2024
地点: Room 1610, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai