
Physical Math Seminar @SIMIS: Entropy in gravitational von Neumann algebras

Speaker: Antony Speranza (University of Amsterdam) Abstract: Entanglement entropy in quantum field theory is UV-divergent, which makes it a challenging quantity to analyze from an algebraic perspective. In this talk, I will describe how perturbatively coupling to gravity improves this situation, resulting in a well-defined notion of renormalized entropy in the semiclassical limit. This entropy …

Physical Math Seminar @SIMIS: Entropy in gravitational von Neumann algebras 查看全文 »

An operator algebras seminar at SIMIS: Expander graphs and ideal structure of uniform Roe algebras

Speaker: Qin Wang (East China Normal University) Host: Huaxin Lin Abstract: The uniform Roe algebra of a discrete metric space is a C*-algebra which analytically encodes the coarse geometry of the underlying space. It is known that counter-examples to the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture can be constructed by using expander graphs, the crucial point of which …

An operator algebras seminar at SIMIS: Expander graphs and ideal structure of uniform Roe algebras 查看全文 »

Physical Math Seminar @SIMIS: Non-perturbative aspects of the SW/CMT correspondence

Speaker: Zhaojie Xu (Shanghai University) Abstract: The quantum Seiberg-Witten curve of the 5d N=1 pure SYM or the quantum mirror curve of a specific local Calabi-Yau manifold, known as local F_0, share intriguing connections with both the relativistic Toda lattice and the Harper-Hofstadter model in condensed matter physics. In this talk, we focus on the …

Physical Math Seminar @SIMIS: Non-perturbative aspects of the SW/CMT correspondence 查看全文 »

Physical Math Seminar @ SIMIS:Lower form symmetries and gerbes

Speaker: Leonardo Santilli (YMSC, Tsinghua University) Abstract: I will highlight some tensions in the current treatment of higher form symmetries, when the theory possesses a (d-1)-form symmetry. I will then show how, for invertibile symmetries, the tensions are automatically resolved in the formalism of gerbes. After this general introduction and motivation, I will present a …

Physical Math Seminar @ SIMIS:Lower form symmetries and gerbes 查看全文 »

Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: from quantum chaos to quantum gravity

Simis Seminar series on Quantum computing, quantum simulation and strongly-correlated systems Speaker: Antonio Garcıa-Garcıa (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Abstract: I first introduce the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, N fermions in zero spatial dimensions with infinite range interactions in Fock space, and argue why it is a hot topic of research in theoretical physics. Afterwards, I review …

Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: from quantum chaos to quantum gravity 查看全文 »

SIMIS Dynamics Seminar: Constructing exceptional orbits in homogeneous space

Speaker: Anurag Rao, SIMIS Abstract: Consider a noncompact homogeneous space equipped with the action of a one-parameter diagonable subgroup – for example the space of unimodular lattices in the plane with the action of the diagonal subgroup. In 1996 Kleinbock-Margulis proved the existence of a full dimension set of points having precompact orbit. We slightly …

SIMIS Dynamics Seminar: Constructing exceptional orbits in homogeneous space 查看全文 »

SIMIS Seminar on Derived and Noncommutative Geometry: Generalized Complex Geometry in terms of Shifted Symplectic Holomorphic Stack

Speaker: Yingdi Qin (SIMIS) Abstract: Kapustin and Orlov first notice that the D-branes of the Topological A-model (Fukaya category) are not necessarily supported on Lagragian submanifolds, certain coisotropic branes are also allowed. M.Gualtieri later generalizes the concept of coisotropic branes to generalized complex geometry, in which are called generalized complex branes. In this talk, I …

SIMIS Seminar on Derived and Noncommutative Geometry: Generalized Complex Geometry in terms of Shifted Symplectic Holomorphic Stack 查看全文 »

SIMIS+ShanghaiTech Joint Seminar on Theoretical Physics: Correlators of N=4 SYM on real projective space at strong coupling

Speaker: Xinan Zhou Abstract: I will consider 4d N=4 SYM on real projective space preserving half of supersymmetry and focus on the case where charge conjugation is gauged.The holographic dual of this setup is a Z2 quotient of AdS5xS5 with an O1 orientifold.I will discuss how to use analytic conformal bootstrap techniques to compute all …

SIMIS+ShanghaiTech Joint Seminar on Theoretical Physics: Correlators of N=4 SYM on real projective space at strong coupling 查看全文 »

SIMIS+ShanghaiTech Joint Seminar on Theoretical Physics: The AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude at high energies

Speaker: Fernando Alday Abstract: I will describe recent progress in computing tree-level string amplitudes on curved AdS backgrounds, denoted AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitudes.In particular,we will discuss two limits,the Regge and high energy limits,where the amplitude can be computed in an explicit form. Time: 1:30-4:00 pm, Oct.21,2024 Location: Auditorium (18th floor) at SIMIS, Block A, No. 657 …

SIMIS+ShanghaiTech Joint Seminar on Theoretical Physics: The AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude at high energies 查看全文 »

An operator algebras seminar at SIMIS: Introduction to uniform property Gamma

Speaker : Javad Mohammadkarimi Host: Huaxin Lin Abstract: In this talk, I give some information about the known uniform property Gamma for C*-algebras. Also, I talk about a version of the uniform property Gamma which is defined in a more general setting. Time: 2:30-3:30pm, Thursday, October 10th, 2024 Location: Room 1510, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, …

An operator algebras seminar at SIMIS: Introduction to uniform property Gamma 查看全文 »

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