A nonlinear multi-scale interaction model of atmospheric blocking: How does climate change influence weather extremes?

Speaker: Dehai Luo (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS)

Host: Bin Shi

Abstract: Atmospheric blocking is an important synoptic weather system in the earth atmosphere, which plays an important role in the weather extremes. The weather extremes in the earth atmosphere exhibit a notable variability along with global warming. In this talk, we briefly introduce the nonlinear multi-scale interaction (NMI) model of atmospheric blocking. In this NMI model, the meridional background potential vorticity gradient (PVy) is a key factor of the blocking system, which reflects the nonlinear behavior of atmospheric blocking. One can investigate how climate change influences mid-high latitude weather extremes by exploring the impact of climate change on the basic zonal winds and PVy.

Time: 10:00~11:00, Sunday, January 19, 2025

Location: Auditorium (18th floor) at SIMIS, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Introduction to the Speaker: 罗德海,男, 1963年生,博士,中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员(二级), 博士生导师
成果:在国际上创造性地提出和建立了大气阻塞形成的非线性多尺度相互作用理论模型(简称NMI模型),并在<<Nature Comm.>>、<<J. Atmos. Sci.>>和<<J. Climate>>等国际顶尖刊物上发表了一系列有影响的论文,为阻塞等问题的解决开辟了一条新的路径,并被国外学者称为groundbreaking工作。基于该理论模式所提出的经向位涡(PV)梯度是联系北极和中纬度的桥梁,它为理论上研究次季节环流与气候变化(温室气体增加,北极海冰和海温等)的联系以及揭示极寒天气的发生机理打开了一扇窗。
* 1995年第五届中国青年科技奖,
* 2003年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。

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