Speaker: Shanshan Hua (University of Oxford)
Host: Huaxin Lin
Abstract: Over the past few decades, the classification results for C*-algebras have been built on those of morphisms. In the recent work of Carrión, Gabe, Schafhauser, Tikuisis, and White, they recaptured the classification theorem for a large class of simple Z-stable C*-algebras by classifying maps into such C*-algebras. Following their abstract classification framework, we go beyond the range of currently existing classification results. For instance, as part of our results, uniqueness theorems for maps into II1-factors and ultraproducts of matrices are obtained, where codomain C*-algebras are either not known to admit Z-stability or are known to lack Z-stability.
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm, Thursday, December 26, 2024
Location: Room 1210 at SIMIS, Block A, No. 657 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai
About the speaker: Shanshan Hua is currently a fourth year PhD student at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Professor Stuart White. Her current research interests center at the classification and structure theory of C*-algebras. She has been working on topics related to operator algebraic K-theory, classification of morphisms and Cartan subalgebras.